The 12 houses in a birth chart represent environments in which the planets are energized.  Each house has a natural owner, one of the 12 zodiac signs, that naturally colors its environment.  It is important to know your true houses because the 12 environments are stages of development.  The 1st house marks the beginning stage of one's development and thus, it is important to know where it sits in your chart.  The 1st house is typically identified by the Ascending or Rising Sign on the eastern horizon in a chart.  The Ascendant Sign or Rising Sign is the zodiac sign on the cusp of the 1st house in a birth chart.  I prefer to look to the house of the Ascendant Sign's planetary ruler as the true 1st house.

Discover your true houses by using the house of your Ascendant Sign's planetary ruler as the true 1st house, and counting onwards from there.
 The zodiac signs are listed below with their planetary rulers.

Aries- Mars
Taurus- Venus
Gemini- Mercury
Cancer- Moon
Leo- Sun
Virgo- Mercury
Libra- Venus
Scorpio- Pluto, Mars
Sagittarius- Jupiter
Capricorn- Saturn
Aquarius- Uranus
Pisces- Neptune

For example we will review President Barack Obama's chart

The Ascendant Sign is in Capricorn.  The Ascendant Ruler of Capricorn is Saturn.  The house that Saturn resides in would identify the true 1st house.  Saturn sits in the 12th house Sagittarius/Capricorn in Obama's birth chart.  This will be the true 1st house noted Sagittarius/Capricorn 12th as 1st.  

Now that we have the the Ascendant Ruler, the true 1st house, and the zodiac sign on the cusp of the true 1st house we can use the keywords of the planet(s), sign(s), and house(s) to evaluate the native.  We would do this for each house counting onwards.  

Sagittarius/Capricorn 12th as 1st- the persona, self, impression on others (1st) is unclear, secretive, spiritual (12th)

The individual (1st) is lonely, a visionary, old soul (12th) (12th is 12th from 1st)

The persona (1st) of a high-minded, godly (Sagittarius) person held in high regard (Capricorn) that is surreal, spiritual, inspirational (12th)

Saturn in 12th as 1st- most uncomfortable and feels the need to overcompensate (Saturn) the impression on others, the persona (1st) that is unclear, secretive, spiritual (12th)

Manages, disciplines (Saturn) persona (1st) of a secret agent, spiritual body (12th)

Jupiter in 12th as 1st- fortunate, lucky, larger than life, elevated (Jupiter) persona, ego (1st) of a spiritual being (12th)

Since the 12th house of Sagittarius/Capricorn is the true 1st house, the 1st house of Capricorn (the sign on the cusp of the 1st house) would be the true 2nd house noted Capricorn/Aquarius 1st as 2nd.
 We would evaluate this house as we did the true 1st house using the keywords of the planet(s), sign(s), and house(s).

Capricorn/Aquarius 1st as 2nd- possesses, owns, values (2nd) the self, ego, the physical body (1st)

Possesses, owns, values (2nd) discipline, concentrated effort, the authority (Capricorn) to change, reform (Aquarius) the persona, ego (1st)

Chiron in Aquarius- emotional ties, marriage (Chiron) to social awareness, world publications, altruism, and humanitarian causes (Aquarius)

Chiron in 1st as 2nd- emotional ties, marriage (Chiron) to value, cultivation (2nd) of the self (1st)

What about zodiac signs that are ruled by two planets?  For example:  You have a Scorpio Ascendant.  Analyze the chart with Pluto as the Ascendant Ruler and then and do the same with Mars.  Do not be lazy when it comes to discovering yourself.  Knowledge is power.

Improve your self-image by becoming who you think you ought to be.  For a detailed analysis of your true 1st house you may submit a Consultation request.