Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries. When Mars is in Leo it uses its energy/force to activate the Leo nature.  Leo is the natural owner of the 5th house. Having Mars in Leo is the same as having Mars in the 5th house.

Mars/Aries keywords:

physical activity
body and muscles
taking initiative
body and muscles

governs the head

Leo/5th house keywords:

creative energy
what you love to share/generosity
individual shine/publicity/being the center of attention
the arts
governs the heart, aorta, back, spinal cord

Mars in Leo/Mars in the 5th House

quick action/impulses to create

doing things for attention

energy for physical activity involving sports, romance, the arts

self-marketing/others notice the creativity, children

hobbies involve aggressive physical activity

aggressive action towards children

quick to entertain

dynamic performer

fierce athlete/sportsman

spontaneous actions in the game/sport

fearless/oblivious to danger when having fun

driven to be the center of attention

quick to dominate/lead

quick to share/give love
pioneering action through sports, creative arts

takes initiative to enjoy one's self

fast, jumpy heartbeat

aggressive force, heat (Mars) to the back (Leo)

inflamed (Mars) spinal cord (Leo)

fighting/aggression is publicized

impulsive outbursts in academic setting

needs physical activity for education

This person commands attention.

This person may be a star athlete.

This person may be a heart or back surgeon.  Mars (surgery) of the heart, back (Leo)

  • Posted by Tameca

    discover more


    1. Most of this is fairly accurate, but I argue that fiery, dynamism, energetic, strong, aggression, drive, body and muscles, physical activity, and masculine all definitely belong to BOTH Aries/Mars AND Leo/Sun.

      Leo is the sign of the mighty LION and the SUN is the most powerful planet and governs vitality, general strength, energy, and health. And both are definitely strong, masculine, muscular energies. Leos can also have a very fierce temper as well.

      So I hope this gets edited to properly reflect Leo's and the Sun's own strong, muscular and active energies.


      1. I agree to a certain degree. Leo can be very powerful and authoritative, but it is also prone to sensitivity. A Leo's ego is not as strong as an Aries. An Aries doesn't need their ego constantly stroked.

      2. I strongly disagree. The claim that Leo has a more sensitive ego than Aries is a modern claim that has been unsubstantiated.

        Aries is the baby of the Zodiac and the most unevolved sign. As such, ARIES is actually the sign that constantly needs approval and a parent's watchful eye. Leo is the teenager and as such is a bit more confident than baby Aries.

        Leo is also a fierce and powerful LION as opposed to Aries' often unsure and sometimes meek ram (sheep family).

        Another fact that modern astrologers constantly forget is to just look at the weak/awkward placements of the signs. A lack of ego or emotional sensitivity/vulnerability would show up as a weal Sun or moon placement, of which Leo has neither. So the signs that actually ARE not as confident or emotional vulnerable are: Aquarius and Libra (weakest placements of the Sun) and ironically, Scorpio and Capricorn (weakest placements for the moon which rules emotions and the inner self). Leo has no such weak placement for either planet and in fact is the strongest placement for the Sun thus indicating the strongest core.

        It should also be remembered that Leo rules over wild and solitary places like forests, mountains, deserts, caves, and forts. This means that both they enjoy the outdoors and their alone time and is proof that they do NOT constantly need their ego stroked. They also don't always need luxury and in fact, Aries was the "luxurious sign " in medieval astrology while Leo was referred to as one of the "strong signs" (alongside Scorpio and Aquarius) and the only fully "feral" sign.

        It's a shame that modern astrologers have bought into the baseless misconceptions that have no backing in ancient or medieval astrology or even has no backing in the astrological system itself which points to Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn as the least confident or most emotionally vulnerable signs.

        Leo is a LION and is ruled by the almighty Sun. And like the Sun and lion, Leo does not have seek approval for its strength or skill from anyone, its power speaks for itself.

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