An Aries will draw attention to himself.  Not for your sake, but for his glory.

A Taurus will totally ignore it unless they can benefit from it somehow.

A Gemini will be too busy to notice.

A Cancer will comfort you in your time of distress.

A Leo will be entertained by it.

A Virgo will just be glad they are not the one in an awkward situation for once.

A Libra will exaggerate your experience and pass it off as their own.

A Scorpio will force you to be tough and get yourself out of it.

A Sagittarius will tactlessly let you know why you are in an awkward situation.

A Capricorn will distance himself from you.
 They have a reputation to uphold.

An Aquarius is most likely to put you in an awkward situation.

A Pisces will not think it is awkward, but fascinating.
  • Posted by Tameca

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